Wednesday, December 24, 2008

More thoughts.......

I'm sure most people around the holidays take the time to reflect back where they were a year ago.......most likely spending it with a loved one or a friend. It's an easy thing to do and we all do it from time to time, remembering back to certain life events. So my thoughts this morning aren't all that different from most people, but still I reflect on where my life is and has been over the past year. It's definitely been an interesting ride, filled with pain, some joy and lots of personal growth. There has been a ton of thinking throughout the year and looking back on it, the biggest changes in myself have been my increased thoughts and self awareness as to my place not only my life, but in the lives of the people around me. I find myself thinking about my thoughts and actions and how they affect the people who are close to me.

Maybe I should have been thinking like that all along.......maybe things would have turned out differently? Who's to say what the future would have held? But with all of this thinking, one of the things that I've come to realize is that all I can really control are the things that I say and the actions that I take.........

Until later......

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