Okay, so, excuse me if this is just a bit blasphemous, but I was a bit turned off on the whole climbing Mt. Sinai experience. I know, I know, Moses wouldn't be proud, but Moses didn't have to deal with "Camels! Camels! You want Camels?!" or "Camel coming!" or "Turn off light, Camels can't see!" or "Do you mind move to take picture" (in Korean/English). Seriously, how many camels can fit on the side of Mt. Sinai? The answer......250!
Josh and his buddies flew up the mountain on the 3000 "Steps of Repentance" and didn't have to deal with any of the camels at all, they just had to keep up with their Bedouin guide who practically ran up the mountain with no water and no flashlight. He must have been part mountain goat!
The sunrise in and of itself was amazing to watch. From darkness, we saw the mountains and valleys turn from black, to dark blues and black, then to slowly some orange began to fill the sky until bright yellow filled us all with warmth.
The way down we all took the "Steps of Repentance" and it was even more strenuous going down than it was going up. No wonder Moses dropped those other 5 commandments!
Until later.......
Love, peace, and soul.
I was glad to see that you did not make the trip up the mountain in flip flops. While camels have such a romantic look and appeal, I remember them as smelly, irritable and stubborn. Plus, they bite. How high were the steps just in case I get the yen to start my conditioning for a trip up the mountain? Love, Nana
Ummm...I'm not sure if you realize it, but you "hook 'em" sign is upside down. Still, its nice that you were thinking of how awesome my college and I are, even though you're so far away :)
I was with Josh all the way up the 3750 steps of the "Path of Repentance". I'm so glad i had the privilege to share this experience with him, despite his beer belly and the quite unfit conditions, he managed to go up all the way in only 90 minutes. You guys contributed to make this holiday very very special for me and Suzanne.
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