Saturday, July 26, 2008

Glimpses and wonder

Every once and a while you get a glimpse into someone and their life. You see them and you see that inner sparkle in their eye and you wonder. Could this be someone who I could spend a long time with? Or is this someone who just is a friend? This person knows a lot about you......could it be? You think about it a lot......and you wonder. You wonder if this is the true reality of the person before you. You wonder if this glimpse into this reality is going to last the distance. You wonder if this is someone you can grow old with. You wonder if this is someone who's ready to take the next step. Then you take a step back and realize.......that person is not just yet ready for the next step. And then you wait.......and wonder and what glimpse you'll get next.

More later.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why don’t you tell her how you feel to her face instead of through a cryptic post on your blog? She may feel the same way you do.