Monday, July 7, 2008

Great in Bars.....Not in Interviews

It's a pretty popular question that pops up in conversations among strangers outside of the professional realm. People usually ask it in hopes of gaining some information as to the person they are having a discussion or conversation. In fact, someone once told me that's it's one of the Top 3 questions you can expect when meeting someone in this country.

"So, what do you do?"

Seems harmless enough, right? In fact, it's usually a great conversation piece in most of the places I've been hanging out in recently. People seem amazed and interested to hear about my travels and I'm happy to oblige with answers to their genuinely interested questions. And I'm not going to lie, I love answering the questions! Not for vanity sake, mind you, but because it reminds me of how special and neat an opportunity it was to take some time off just to travel. It also takes me back and makes me remember the sights, the smells, the colors, and the feelings that I was going through when I was traveling. When I first got back, my mind was still fresh with all of the memories, but now it takes me consciously thinking back to refresh my mind of all those memories (that and reviewing the blog!).

Somehow, when you are trying to explain your year long absence from employment to a recruiter for a company on the other end of the phone or a desk, it doesn't quite go over as well. What ever happened to companies wanting well rounded employees who can bring life experiences to the work force? You try and do your best to pitch it to them that this is something you wanted to and saved up for and it's an experience of a lifetime, but then I seem to come off almost as defensive. I just can't seem to figure it out.

Needless to say, the search for employment continues.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep your head have been able to do what only most of us have been able to dream about. A job will come along and then you will be thinking man I wish I could travel the world again.