Friday, June 8, 2007

Constant Stares....and requests

The one thing that Josh and I have noticed is the constant stares that we get. There are very few, if any other, white tourists and they all tend to be from Europe or Australia. The kids in the street always want to talk to us and practice their English. We try to oblige as much as possible, but can't help but think that there's inevitably going to be the question of money. Almost every cab that rolls by us honks his horn as if to ask if we need a cab and we get hawked constantly to stop in shops. In short, we are just one big money bag to a lot of these people!

We're in Alexandria today to see some Museums, see some Roman catacombs and to chill out on the beach. If they stared at us with our clothes on, I can't imgaine the attention when Josh takes off his shirt and shows his whiteness!!! YIKES!!

Unitl later....

Love, peace, and soul.


Anonymous said...

يستطيع أنا يتلقّى مال ؟

Anonymous said...

Apparantly Matty is correct in his "one big money bag" analogy ~ the post in Arabic translates to:

"I can money receives?"

Note it didn't take long for Matty's blog to go international.


Anonymous said...

Actually, Matty and his brother Josh get the same type of stares when they are out in the public just about anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry aren't international yet. There are plenty of places to translate on the web. I was actually trying to get "Can I have some money?" So it is Arabic..but only as far away as Wharton!

Anonymous said...

You crazy guys! Stay safe & remember the ladies of the night. Learn how to curse in Arabic and pick up some good jokes on the way.
