Thursday, June 21, 2007

Dive Bones Dive!

For a minute, I thought he wasn't going to do it. I wasn't going to press, but if he was truly having problems breathing, then he shouldn't do it. Then, our instructor said we were going to go for a short dive at water level and see how it works out. We both put our masks in the water and Josh was doing alright. I must admit, the first time I went down I had a tough time breathing myself, but then I turned to my left and saw the deep blue and then the fish......and then the colors. It calmed me down a lot. While doing the short swim, our instructor did the best thing possible.......he let us continue down towards the reef. The colors became even more brilliant and drew us nearer and nearer. We were under water and diving in the Red Sea. It was truly amazing. After it was all over, Josh told me that he said he was going to just throw himself into it and see what happened. I was glad he didn't let his fears get in the way as we both had an amazing time.

Our afternoon was spent snorkeling around the Blue Hole, just north of Dahab. Amazing corals and amazing colors! Unfortunately, the end of my snorkeling experience was ruined by the groups of Brits, Italians, and who knows STANDING ON THE CORAL! I kept telling them to get off it because it's a living thing, but they just thought they were rocks. I wish that someone was there to help protect the coral reef, but even the locals didn't really care that much. Once beautiful, yet so sad. It seems to be a running theme in Egypt.

Until later........

Love, peace, and soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wassup boys! glad to hear you are enjoying the Egyptian culture. The coral reef dive sounds amazing, glad Bones musterd up the sack to dive in. Laurren and I are thinking of you here in NJ/NY.