Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It's Egypt Day! It's Egypt Day!

The excitement has finally kicked in! Like a 6 year old eagerly waiting to come down stairs to open up his presents that Santa left him.....I woke up at 6am and was wide awake. It's here and it's finally going to happen. In a few hours, Josh and I will board a plane and head to Frankfurt and then on to Cairo. After almost 2 years of saving, getting multiple vaccinations, visa applications, reading like a fiend and surfing people's travel blogs.....I hope I'm semi-prepared for what life throws me?

In a couple of hours.....I'll find out.

Until then.....

Love, peace, and soul.

1 comment:

公公婆婆 said...

So exciting! what a contrast while i'm sitting here at the client site slaving my life away in front of the computer. haha. u're gonna have an awesome time! be sure to check out luxor and the tutankhamen museum.