Friday, October 5, 2007

Bangkok......and my inital shock

Having flown through Bangkok on my way to Vietnam I was totally prepared for the new airport. What I was not prepared for was the rest of Bangkok. Gone were the constant flow of motobikes, the alley cafes with children's sized chairs, and the conical hats so typical of Vietnam. Yes, it's safe to say that I was definitely missing Vietnam......and the fact that the west hasn't crept too far in.

Unfortunately for me, the west has really inundated Bangkok. I was saddened to see a McDonald's, Burger King, and a Starbucks when I walked down Koh San Road, the backpacker haven in Bangkok. I might as well have been in the States?! What's up with that?

Luckily, on my way back to the hotel I saw a guy selling fried grasshoppers and worms, so there's hope for Bangkok just yet. There will be more opportunities for Bangkok to impress me as Carolyn and I explore the streets for a few days and then my friend John comes and we get to explore even more. Hopefully, Bangkok will show me all she has to offer.

More later.......

Love, peace, and soul.

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