Friday, October 19, 2007

Random Thoughts from Siem Reap

Do I look stressed? I must look stressed because all of the motobike guys and tuk-tuk drivers keep asking me "you want massage?" Surely I don't look that stressed, do I?

Can we talk about money belts and fanny packs for a second? First off, fanny packs must go. Don't ever wear one, they are seriously stupid looking on anyone. I've never seen anyone who looks good with one. And don't use a fanny pack as a money belt. Just don't ever use a fanny pack. That's right, you know who you are.......stop it now!

Okay, money belts......lots of people don't understand the purpose of these things. The purpose of the money belt is to hold your valuables that you don't want people to see. I see so many people wear their money belts outside of their clothing and I want to go shake them or better yet, steal it off them. When people were their money belts outside their clothes, they are basically saying: "Hey, I keep my money and credit cards RIGHT HERE!!"

Secondly, it's okay to carry cash in your pockets, that way you can pay for things easily. I was at a bar last night with a group of travellers who were on their 4th day of a year long journey. Sure enough, the bill comes and they all start digging in their pants for their money belts. Thus showing everyone exactly where they keep their valuables. A bit counter intuitive to the whole money belt concept, don't you think?

Surprisingly, I've adjusted to fan rooms in Southeast Asia. Yeah, I'll admit, at first I thought I needed the A/C, but after a while I've adjusted. Don't get me wrong, the A/C is nice to have and nice to come back to after a long, hot day exploring around, but it's not a necessity. And really, all it makes you do is sweat even more as your body has to adjust to an even greater temperature change with A/C than with a fan room. As long as the fan is blowing on you, it's not that bad.

Okay, those are my random thoughts for the day. More to come......

Love, peace, and soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I will continue to use my fanny pack as it allows my hands to be free. I can wear in around my middle in the front, side, or back as the case may be. Could not live without one except maybe for my mini-back pack. Nana