Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cambodia: A Review

If you are planning on visiting Cambodia and you are American, it's extremely easy. You don't even need to change any currency. That's right, everyone takes U.S. Dollars, with change being given in a combination of U.S. Dollars and Cambodian Riel. Even the ATM machines pump out U.S. Dollars. It's the most surreal thing to be in a foreign country using your own currency. I guess the Cambodians feel it's safer to have their wealth in U.S. Dollars than in Cambodian Riel.

The Cambodian people are extremely nice and friendly. I felt that they were much less aggressive about making a buck as the Vietnamese and generally willing to help out a foreign tourist. Most speak the universal languages of English and U.S. Dollars, so getting around is not a problem.

It's possible to see the best and worst in the human species in Cambodia. From the beauty of Angkor Wat to the horrors of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge regime, they amaze and humble almost everyone who visits Cambodia.

Until later......

Love, peace, and soul.

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