Friday, May 22, 2009

Two Years.......

Well, I just came to the realization that it's been about two years since I've started this blog. How did I get there? Well, that's because it's time for my annual trip down to Charleston, SC! This year is going to be just as great as years past with friends coming in from Nashville, Phoenix and even Switzerland to enjoy the beaches and the brews!

I got into an interesting conversation with a couple of great friends the other day and it seems that we all have our events that happen in our lives that cause us to look back. As I prepare for Charleston every year, I can't help but think back to that March day in 2003 when my great friend and I were throwing the football around and wondering where we should go for Memorial Day? Six years's become an annual tradition to start our summer season off with a week in Charleston.

And as I look back over the past couple of years of blogging, I realize that I need to get on it in terms of posting some new posts in the future!

So, until then...........

Love, peace, and soul.