Monday, June 25, 2007

An open memo to all Egyptian Store Owners

To: Egyptian Store Owners (and Camel Owners as well)

From: The Western World

Subject: Stop Harassing Us!!!

Seriously, we appreciate it that you let us know everything that you have in your shop. It makes the shopping a lot easier for us. And we do appreciate it that you all are friendly enough to strike up a conversation. But seriously guys......the Used Car Salesman thing doesn't work! The constant hawking gets a little old and quite frankly, you're losing money by harassing us the way you love to do. We know you see us coming. We see you lining up in the streets with that greedy look in your eyes, the kind of look that's lit up by the green of your money. But if you seriously want our business, I'd suggest the following:

a) Back up and let us look in peace. If we have a question, we'll find you.
b) Don't tell us everything that you have in your shop. Looking is half the fun.
c) Drop the used car salesman talk. "How can I get you to spend your money" is never a good opening line.
d) For you camel owners, if we didn't want a camel 5 feet ago, do you really think we want one now?
e) Seriously, we know you have a camel after the first time you ask, after the 5th time, it gets annoying.

Follow these rules and you might get more business from us westerners instead of the bad looks that we give you.

Until the next time I'm in Egypt.......

Love, peace, and soul.


Donna said...

So do you think you can get Mekayla a baby camel while you're there? We've always wanted to start our own business. Can you imagine Ruben advertising Camel rides on the beach? Sounds like shopping in Egypt isn't any different than the shoe department at Macy's. Miss you!

Donna, Ruben, & Baby Mekayla

Anonymous said...

I wonder how the Egyptians would pen their version of the shopping experiences?
What you describe is pretty much the way I remember things happening when we used to cross the border into Mexico and walk their streets (back when it was safe to cross that border). It took me a long time to just accept it and move on. I'd bet you will see much the same when you visit other financially depressed areas.

Anonymous said...

Actually, you learn not to speak, not to have eye-contact, and how to shake your head as you move along. It will be more of the same regardless of the country or people. Your dollars are important, not just to yourself but to others too. At least you did not loose your wallet or all your money. I hope that is in your front right pocket. Nana

Anonymous said...

I really disapprove of the used car salesman comments..we are just trying to make a living.