Wednesday, September 5, 2007

3 months on the road!

Hard to believe, but I've been on the road for over 3 months! It's been an amazing trip so far, but definitely it has flown by! In the past three months, I've done some amazing things. I've:

a) seen the pyramids
b) seen 4 of the big 5
c) seen the Taj Mahal
d) ridden a camel
e) seen Josh get thrown by a camel
f) taken my life in my own hands every time I hailed a taxi/auto rickshaw
g) camped on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, Namibia (thanks Acacia!)
h) cage dived with great whites (and then spent the rest of the day in the fetal position trying not to throw up!)
i) drank copious amounts of alcohol
j) sand boarded in Namibia
k) been stared at constantly (and there's nothing like a staring Indian)
l) been hawked for many an item that I didn't want
m) and probably been scammed/over charged more times than I know

but most importantly, I've missed not being able to share all of these memories with Carolyn and all of my family members.

It's been an amazing trip so far and I hope it continues.

Love, peace, and soul.

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