Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hitting the beach in Nha Trang

With my relaxing stay in Hoi An over, I continued further south to the beach oasis of Nha Trang. The overnight bus ride wasn't exactly the most pleasant experience on the trip, even with my wonderful Egyptian sleeping pills. With very little sleep and my guide book in hand, I shunned the local motobikes and decided to walk to find my hotel. I was a bit confused when I showed up to a hotel that was listed in the guidebook, but was no longer there. Turns out, the hotel shut down about a year ago and now there's a bar in it's place. Looking confused, I was suddenly brought back to reality by the familiar sound of 'motobike?' I jumped on the back and was whisked away to a great hotel close to the beach and the bars.

I decided that an extra day was needed in Nha Trang. The sand was great and the water a wonderful temperature and outside of the occasional hawker on the beach, it was a great place to chill out and read. So, that's what I did, that and work on my tan and my beer tolerance! Unfortunately for me but great for my beer tolerance, I happened upon a group of Irish travellers while taking an island tour. You know you're in trouble when you look at your watch and it says 11:15am and you're on your third beer of the day and your drinking mates have no intention of stopping! Let's just say that I was glad for the extra day in Nha Trang as I spent most of the next day in bed hungover.

More later.....

Love, peace, and soul.

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